Make Your Own Form

A form is list of pre-saved items you can access quickly and easily when building your estimate. PEP has a number of forms ready for you to use, or you can make your own form to save materials and notes you use regularly.
After creating a new area for your job, it’s time to add items or the tasks that you will do in that area. You’ll want to group similar items on a single form (eg. interior, exterior, preparation, clean up, etc.).
How to Make Your Own Form
- Add multiple items for an area
Click in the TYPE HERE box to enter the items manually or choose a FAVORITE ITEM from the drop-down menu
Favorite Items automatically calculate the square footage of the area using the measurements you provided. You can add as many items as you’d like!
- Add materials to each item
Click + MATERIAL to select a paint and finish for the item
These are materials you use regularly.
- Click SAVE AS at the top of the window
- Name your form in the MY FORM field
- Click SAVE
Your form will be saved to the CHOOSE A FORM drop-down menu for quick access next time.
We started a new job: Residential Exterior
We added 2 areas: Front and Rear
Let’s add multiple items to the rear-side of the house:
- Select from the FAVORITES drop-down menu: Ext. Body Siding; Ext Fascia; Ext. Soffit; Ext. Corner Boards
PEP automatically calculates the square footage based on the dimensions you provided, and the cost based on production rates. - We’ll add materials to these items here as well.
This list of items can be saved in a FORM for quick access later.
- Click SAVE AS at the top of the window and name the form: Exterior 2 Coats
- Click SAVE and the next time we build an estimate if we want to include all of these items, we can easily select the Exterior 2 Coats form from the drop-down menu.
Let’s make an Exterior 1 Coat version of this form:
- Manually change the number of coats from 2 to 1 on the Exterior 2 Coats form
- Click SAVE AS and rename the form: Exterior 1 Coat
- Click SAVE and both forms will be saved to the drop-down menu
You can get creative with your forms and add multiple forms to the same area in order to save time.
Using forms makes estimating easy and accurate. You can customize them for the tasks you do most often.