Schedule Events on PEP’s Calendar

You can schedule estimates, work, and other events on PEP’s Calendar.


An “estimate” is tied to a client, “work” is tied to a specific job, “other events” are not tied to specific clients or jobs.


How to access the calendar from the home page:

  1. Click VIEW >> CALENDAR from the toolbar
    • Choose the view you want by selecting “month,” “week,” or “day
    • Toggle forward or backward in time using arrows on the right
  2. Select a date on the calendar to schedule an event
  3. Choose the EVENT TYPE from the dropdown menu
    Note: If scheduling an “Estimate” you will also have to select a client from the dropdown menu. If scheduling “Work on Job” you will have to select a client and a job from the dropdown menus. If scheduling “Other” you will have to fill in a description.
  4. Enter details about the event (i.e.start and end day/time)
  5. Click ADD EVENT
    Note: In the Calendar, you can move a scheduled event by clicking on it and dragging to a new date. You can also extend it multiple days by hovering over the edge (cursor changes to a double arrow) and dragging to the right.


You can schedule an estimate directly on the calendar or through the client’s file.


To schedule an estimate directly on the calendar:

  1. Select a date by clicking in the box for the day of the event
  2. Choose ESTIMATE  from the dropdown menu
  3. Choose the Client 
    • Select from the dropdown menu -OR-
    • Use the search field by clicking SEARCH, type a piece of the client’s name, then click SEARCH again to see results in the client box
  4. Enter details about the event (i.e.start and end day/time)
  5. Click ADD EVENT


To schedule an estimate through the client’s file:

  1. Click VIEW ALL CLIENTS from the toolbar
  2. Select the Client 
  3. Select the Calendar tab from the center of the screen
    Note: The calendar will pop up below.
  5. Select a date by clicking in the box for the day of the event
  6. Enter details about the event (i.e.start and end day/time)
    Note: If it’s not an all-day event, uncheck the ALL DAY box.
    Push the event to Google by checking the GOOGLE box and selecting a calendar.
  7. Click ADD EVENT


There are several ways to schedule work on PEP’s Calendar too: within the job or directly on the calendar.


To schedule work on a job via the Work Pipeline:

  1. Click VIEW >> PIPELINE
  2. Select the WORK PIPELINE from the dropdown menu
    Note: Booked jobs that need to be scheduled are on the left.
  3. Click the LOOKUP button (magnifying glass icon) next to the client’s name
  4. Choose the job that needs to be scheduled from the client’s file.
  5. On the left side of the screen, scroll down and select SCHEDULE
    Note: You can do the same thing from the home screen: Select the client, choose the job, scroll down and select SCHEDULE.
  6. Assign the job to a specific crew by selecting from the dropdown menu
    Note: To set up multiple crews, click the gear icon and click ADD CREW
    If you only have one crew, you can leave it as Unassigned.
  8. Select a start date by clicking in the box for the day
    Note: A default description of “Work” will pop in.
    Send to Google by checking the GOOGLE box and selecting a calendar.
  9. Enter details about the work (i.e.start and end day/time)
  10. Click ADD EVENT
    Note: You can move a scheduled event by clicking on it and dragging to a new date. You can also extend it multiple days by hovering over the edge (cursor changes to a double arrow) and dragging to the right or shorten it by dragging it to the left.


To schedule work directly on the calendar:

  1. Click VIEW >> CALENDAR from the toolbar
  2. Select a start date by clicking in the box for the day
  3. Choose WORK ON A JOB from the dropdown menu
  4. Choose the Client 
    • Select from the dropdown menu -OR-
    • Use the search field by clicking SEARCH, type a piece of the client’s name, then click SEARCH again to see results in the client box
  5. Select the JOB from the dropdown menu
  6. Enter details about the work (i.e.start and end day/time)
  7. Click ADD EVENT

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