How to Exclude Items from Pick & Choose

The Pick and Choose feature allows your customers select the work they want done, but the customer isn’t always right… For instance, you can’t save a few dollars by removing “prep” from the estimate. Prep has to happen!


How to lock items so they are excluded from Pick and Choose:

  1. Select the client, then the job
  2. On the estimate, highlight the item you want to lock
  3. Click EDIT
  4. Check the ADVANCED box
  5. Scroll down to eBid settings
  6. Check the REQUIRED box to make item mandatory
  7. Click DONE

On the eBid preview, this item no longer has a box that can be checked or unchecked for Pick and Choose.

Important: Material Rounding must be OFF in order to use Pick & Choose. 


How to Turn Off Material Rounding: 

  2. Click EDIT to verify the Material Rounding settings
  3. Un-check the box next to ROUND UP MATERIALS
  4. Un-check the box next to ROUND UP TO WHOLE CONTAINERS
  5. Click DONE

If you prefer to leave rounding turned ON by default, you can turn it off on a job-by-job basis.

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